Waste Less, Live More Week 2014

by Sarah

Waste Less, Live More Week 2014, Keep Britain Tidy

As you are probably more than aware, I am a bit of an eco warrior and not only have an interest in food, but in all areas of the environment and sustainability.

As such, I am taking part in, and urging you to join in with, Keep Britain Tidy’s Waste Less, Live More Week. (you don’t ha to be in Britain to take part!)  Yes it may be Thursday, but I am confident that you can catch up – I have catch up to do too so we can do it together.

What do you say? YEAH!!!  Let’s do this thing!!!

So essentially we have the following challenges to catch up on: the information cards can be downloaded here

Monday 22nd – Make It using the hash tags #WLLM14 and #MakeIt

Tuesday 23rd – Borrow It using the hash tags #WLLM14 and #BorrowIt

Wednesday 24th – Value It using the hash tags #WLLM14 and #ValueIt

And today;

Thursday 25th – Grow It using the hash tags #WLLM14 and #GrowIt

What will you do to play catch up?  Remember you can be as imaginative as you can be and creativity is the key here!  I am off to think that I am going to do and will post back a bit later (with pictures) to feed back.

Let me know what you do too as we work through the challenge together!


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