Home Growing without a Garden

by Sarah

In response to me asking what you would like to see featured on the blog, Clare (over on Facebook) made an excellent suggestion of home growing without a garden and I am so excited to take her up on the suggestion and am now currently working it into a series for the season.

Although I am very, very, lucky to have a garden that I can use t grow my own produce, I am very aware that many of my friends do not have such a luxury (and to be honest, I like to maximise my produce so like to use my windowsills to help increase my crop.


As such, as part of the series, I will be transforming the windowsill of my studio (pictured above) into my home produce indoor challenge.  I’ll keep you updated with my progress and would love for you to join in when I have posted more information.

In the meantime…

What questions do you ave about home growing without a garden? How would you like to see the information? What could I teach you to help you to get going?

Comments below please and I’ll make sure they are added to the plan!

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